Changing political landscape

Alexandra Grigorenko,


“New Defence order. Strategy” Journal

Changing political landscape

Political patterns change rapidly. Contents and forms, motivation and methods are changing. It is impossible not to recognize this, just as it is impossible not to reflect on the future. “The liberal idea has become obsolete. It has come into conflict with the interests of the overwhelming majority of the population.” This statement by Russian President Vladimir Putin has recently caused a real media storm.

Here is one of the answers quoted in the media. Donald Tusk, the European Council president, said he had “strongly disagreed” with Mr. Putin. “What I find really obsolete is authoritarianism, personality cults and the rule of oligarchs,” he said. So Mr. Putin and Mr. Tusk are both right, the dispute has not taken place. Moreover, they do not contradict each other. Authoritarianism, personality cults and the rule of oligarchs are not an alternative to the liberal ideology, and vice versa.

Noam Chomsky, who for the last 50 years has been called the American Socrates, considers neoliberalism to be the third existential threat. Before neoliberalism, he mentioned, humanity created only two comparable global threats, that, in the event of a nuclear war, could destroy us; in the event of an environmental disaster, could create a serious impact, and then some.

It is important to note that key international organizations that have been founded after the Second World War were based mainly on liberal values and, unfortunately, now they do not fully correspond to the realities of our time. Then, who and how will control the security of the world? What do we need to defend ourselves and protect our future today?

New weapons, cyber technology, and the entire 4.0 industry are integrating into the dangerously unprepared humanitarian and political environment. In the era of post-truth, the only obvious thing is that ideas and ideals, like international rules, cease to be relevant. In recent years, American sanction wars illustrated this situation. And emotional rhetoric in the “highly likely” style can justify any political decision, leaving its true motivation outside the discussion.

Humanitarian, social, political research does not keep pace with technological progress and economic shocks. We do not have time to comprehend the impending threats, while continuing to generate them. The political landscape is changing spontaneously and assume an increasingly bizarre unpredictable pattern.

©New defence order. Strategy  №1 (60) 2020


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