AI & IT Tech in Military Education At Army-2020

A roundtable discussion "Implementing IT and Artificial Intelligence in the System of Military Education: tendencies an innovations" will be held as part of the International Military-Technical Forum ARMY-2020 scientific agenda.

Representatives of Russian military universities and military administrative bodies are to analyze domestic and world experience of implementing artificial intelligence in the work of educational institutions and define ways to integrate IT and traditional educational methods based on latest technological developments. Among other topical issues, specialists will discuss how AI affects military education and science.

The International Military-Technical Forum ARMY-2020 will take place on August 23-29, 2020 in Kubinka, Moscow region.

International Military-Technical Forum «ARMY-2020» is organised and fully supported by the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation and combines the exhibition and dynamic demonstration of military equipment capabilities with extensive congress program and strong participation of international audience represented by foreign exhibitors, delegations and visitors.

Source - Rusarmyexpo

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