Army-2023: More than 120 scientific and business events

As of now, 128 events have been announced for the scientific and business program in preparation for the International Military-Technical Forum «ARMY-2023». These include 6 meetings, 6 conferences, 101 round tables, 1 briefing, 8 sections, 1 tournament, 1 panel presentation, 2 scientific and business talks, 1 quiz, and 1 discussion.


The ARMY-2023 Forum will coincide with the XI Moscow Conference on International Security, which will enhance the participation of delegations and facilitate more productive work for the participants. The announced events for the scientific and business program will take place from August 15 to August 17, 2023. The forum aims to gather heads and representatives of state authorities, senior staff from the Russian Defense Ministry, prominent public figures, leading scientists, chief designers, military experts, and representatives from foreign states.

The forum will commence with a plenary session organized by the Government of the Russian Federation, which will include invitations to foreign delegations among others.
The business program will feature several major congresses, with one of them being the «Diversification of the Defense Industry» Congress. This year, the congress will focus on the manufacturing of production tools (machine tool construction), innovative civilian products from defense industry enterprises, and small and medium-sized high-tech businesses for their own interests. It will also cover the role of the banking sector in producing dual-use products, civilian and service weapons, as well as medicine. The Coordinating Council under the Government of the Russian Federation will oversee the plenary session of the Congress, addressing the needs of the Russian Federation's Armed Forces, troops, and military formations.

Another significant event is the III Congress on «Strategic Leadership and Artificial Intelligence Technologies», led by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko. The Congress's main theme is «Results time!». It will include a thematic exhibition showcasing advancements in domestic artificial intelligence technologies. Participants will discuss the development and implementation of AI technologies across various industries and applications, including specific regions of Russia. Experts will delve into existing mechanisms and joint activities, emphasizing successful domestic solutions as well as foreign experiences and future prospects for AI technology development.

The scientific and business program addresses the most pressing issues concerning the development of the Russian Federation's Armed Forces, the country's military-industrial complex, and international military-technical cooperation, all while considering modern conditions.

To ensure broader participation, videoconferencing with regions across Russia will be utilized.

The Main Department of Innovative Development of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation represents the forum's organizers.

The events within the scientific and business program of the MVTF «ARMY-2023» traditionally provide a platform for constructive dialogue between representatives of the scientific and expert communities, focusing on national security and enhancing the country's defense capabilities.

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