Expert opinion

SIPRI: Global military spending continues to grow

Experts from the Stockholm Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) have prepared a report on global military spending in 2023. According to the authors of the report, in 2023, total military spending in the world reached $2,443 billion, which represents an increase of 6.8% compared to 2022 – this is a record figure since 2009.  SIPRI notes…
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SIPRI: Multilateral peace operations in 2022

According to data collected by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, the number of multilateral peace operations conducted in 2022 reached 64. They were held in 38 countries/territories around the world. This was more operations than were conducted in any year during the past decade.  As in previous years, the UN led the largest number of…
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The Sanction Future of Russia

Most of the sanctions imposed on Russia will not be lifted even in case of a ceasefire in Ukraine and reaching any agreement. The point of no return to "pre-February normality" was achieved, so there is a need to focus on creating a new future, where sanctions will be a constant variable. Any conflict sooner…
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The Food Crisis and Prospects for Overcoming it

The participants of the "Valdai" discussion club had a conversation on the global food crisis, its causes, consequences and prospects for overcoming it. In his opening speech, Andrey Bystritsky, Chairman of the Board of the Foundation of the Valdai Club, said that the crisis into which the world is plunging began long before February 2022.…
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New Page in the EU Defence Policy?

The expansion of autonomous European capacities in the field of defense and security has been discussed in the EU for several years. The topic became even more relevant after February 24. Experts of the Carnegie Europe analytical center tried to answer the question of how serious the EU's intentions are in the field of building…
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IMF: Why We Must Resist Geoeconomic Fragmentation—And How?

According to a team of experts from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the world economy is going through the most serious shock since the Second World War. Geo-economic fragmentation is seen as an undesirable outcome of the current crisis. In the report, IMF experts explain how and why the world should avoid such a scenario.…
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SNSZ: Innovative Technologies In The Service Of The Navy

Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard (SNSZ, part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation) is a leading Russian company in the field of composite shipbuilding. Since its foundation in 1912, more than 650 ships and vessels, including 300 mine countermeasures ships for the Russian Navy and foreign countries’ naval forces, have left the plant’s shipbuilding slips.   The concept of…
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SPLAV: Fire Control

Joint-stock company SPLAV Scientific Production Association named after A. Ganichev is a leading enterprise in the development of multiple rocket launch systems (MRLS) both for the Army and the Navy. Our company is part of the management network of the Technodinamika Holding company of the Rostec State Corporation – the managing organization being the JSC…
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Light Amphibious Tank SPRUT-SDM1. On the land, in the water, and in the air

For the first time in the world, it is in Russia where a modern light tank has been developed, and what makes it absolutely unique, it is an amphibious tank. This is a novelty that many military experts have already seen at international military exhibitions. It was presented by PJSC Kurganmashzavod (part of the High-Precision…
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Israeli Military Construction: The Financial Aspect

The Israeli political leadership has traditionally paid serious attention to financing the national military establishment. Evidently, it is maintaining a high alert level that enables the Israeli to quickly respond to emerging challenges and national security threats.   Israel’s Military Budget According to “The Military Balance”, the annual review of countries’ military potential, the Israeli…
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