2018, №5 (52)

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Salafi Sinusoid. 21 century

Today, with high technologies, A.I. developments, cognitive researches and nearly every day scientific discoveries that change the modern society and everyday life, the world is facing the global religious conflict.    This is the conflict, the subject matter of which is not evident even to those people who are directly involved, needless to say of…
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Summary of the NATO Summit 2018 held in July in Brussels

By Andrei Frolov  The regular NATO Summit held on July 11–12 in Brussels raised a keen interest not only in Western countries, but also in Russia. This event was specific one as for the first time it was held in a new building of the NATO's political structure. Also, the summit was attended by Donald…
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Military aviation. Export from Russia in 2014–2018

By Andrey Frolov  Today, it is evident that 2014 has become the key milestone in Russia’s and the world history. The annexation of the Crimea, the beginning of civil war in Ukraine... These events have changed the modus vivendi for Russia and Western countries and resulted in imposing a package of anti-Russian sanctions, including sanctions…
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MiG fighter aircraft come out of the shadow

Modified versions of Russian 4th generation MiG-29 fighter aircraft and the newest 4++ generation MiG-35 were staying in the shadow for a long period of time while their more famous counterparts developed by the “Sukhoi” Design Bureau were thriving. But, the situation has been changing in recent years.   Both land-based MiG-29SMT and deck-based MiG-29K…
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Export of Naval Ships

Author Dmitriy Boltenkov  A naval segment is within the order of ten percent of the total amount in the export structure of Russian weapons and military equipment. Russia has several reliable importing partners and long-term and highly profitable contracts concluded in this sphere. A very limited range of international manufacturers are able to win in…
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India. Modernization, aviation, meditation…

By Leonid Nersisyan, military columnist   Since 2009, India has been holding the first place among the largest arms importers, while remaining the key independent product market for weapon manufacturers. It is India where Russia, the USA, France, Israel and other countries-exporters are involved in the toughest competition.    As the USSR and Russia took almost…
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New Russian strategic weapon systems

By Dmitry Kornev  In his address to the Federal Assembly on 1st March 2018, President of Russia Vladimir Putin told about several newest strategic weapon systems developed in Russia.   Aircraft missile system “Kinzhal”   RS-28 “Sarmat”  In his speech, the President told that the Ministry of Defence and aerospace manufacturers had started an active…
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Nuclear deepwater submarines

By Dmitry Kornev  In 1965, the Ministry of the Defence of the USSR established a special department named the Main Directorate for Deep Sea Research to initiate the development and servicing of deepwater vehicles. In 1976, as a sort of a cosmonaut corps, the Minister of Defence of the USSR ordered to establish a hydronaut…
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Reliable guard. Russia’s coastal defence systems

Text Alexander Ermakov  Anti-ship missiles are one of the types of armaments and military equipment developed by Russia, traditionally leading in this field. Russia's leadership is evident not only in the development of the most powerful ship-based and airborne missile systems, but also in the widest range of coastal defence missile systems popular in the…
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