Egyptian Air Defence Forces to Exercise in Russia in 2021

In the framework of military-technical cooperation between Russia and Egypt, the Egyptian air defence forces will conduct joint exercise with Russian air defence forces on the territory of the Russian Federation in 2021.

This was confirmed by Major-General Alexander Leonov,  Chief of the Air Defence Forces of the Russian Armed Forces, in an interview he gave to the National Defence journal.

This kind of cooperation between Russia and Egypt started in 2019 with the he joint exercise of the air defence forces of Russia and Egypt, "Arrow of Friendship-2019".

He especially noted the “complete understanding” of the numbers of combat crews at the past exercises. This is explained by the fact that a significant part of Egyptian officers were trained in Russia at the Military Academy of Air Defence Troops, as well as at the 106th and 726th training centres for air defence of the Ground Forces.

Leonov said that such events strengthen military communication between the departments of defence both states,. Moreover, they air defence specialists to exchange experience and show their skills.

During the 2019 event in Egypt, more than 100 anti-aircraft gunners of the Southern Military District from units deployed in the Volgograd Region, Krasnodar, North Ossetia and Crimea took part in the joint exercise from the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation.

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