General Assembly adopts landmark resolution on artificial intelligence

The UN General Assembly announced the unanimous adoption of a 13-point resolution aimed at regulating and ensuring the security of the field of artificial intelligence (AI). The resolution was prepared and submitted by a US-led group of more than a hundred participants. It became the first document regulating the AI industry and at the global level.

The Assembly called on all Member States and stakeholders “to refrain from or cease the use of artificial intelligence systems that are impossible to operate in compliance with international human rights law or that pose undue risks to the enjoyment of human rights.”

“The same rights that people have offline must also be protected online, including throughout the life cycle of artificial intelligence systems,” it affirmed.

The Assembly further recognized the “varying levels” of technological development between and within countries, and that developing nations face unique challenges in keeping up with the rapid pace of innovation. It urged Member States and stakeholders to cooperate with and support developing countries so they can benefit from inclusive and equitable access, close the digital divide, and increase digital literacy.

Speaking before the adoption, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, US Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN, introduced the draft resolution.

She expressed hope that the “inclusive and constructive dialogue that led to this resolution would serve as a model for future conversations on AI challenges in other arenas, for example, with respect to peace and security and responsible military use of AI autonomy.”

“We intend for it to complement future UN initiatives, including negotiations toward a global digital compact and the work of the Secretary-General’s high-level advisory body on artificial intelligence,” she said.

The Assembly also urged all States, the private sector, civil society, research organizations and the media, to develop and support regulatory and governance approaches and frameworks related to safe, secure and trustworthy use of AI.

Source - The UN General Assembly

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